Monday 9 July 2012

Membantu dengan cara yang betul

Saya merujuk kepada artikel di Utusan Online yang bertajuk ‘Gelandangan dapat kerja melalui program ‘Food For Life’ SHEB, 26 Jun 2012.

Saya sangat bersetuju dengan artikel tersebut kerana perkara ini memberi peluang kepada golongan gelandangan untuk mengubah haluan masa depan mereka. Ini merupakan satu cara yang bagus dan untuk kerajaan membantu golongan ini.

Saya berpendapat dengan  program ini juga boleh mengurangkan golongan gelandangan dimana mereka memberi tanggapan negatif terhadap negara kita. Hal ini juga megurangkan bilangan gelandangan di jalanan. Tambahan pula, ini merupakan satu cara yang sangat memberansangkan selain daripada hanya memberi mereka makanan dan minuman. Secara tidak langsung, mereka boleh mula berdikari melalui program ini.

Selain daripada program ini, saya berpendapat kerajaan juga patut menyedia kan tempat tinggal kepada golongan ini sebagai permulaan kepada mereka untuk memulaka hidup yang baru. Setelah tinggal di tempat yang disediakan, mereka juga boleh berkhidmat untuk kerajaan seperti melakukan kerja-kerja sampingan

Safety first

I refer to the News Strait Time on title ‘Kidnap, rape attempt drives malls to up safety’, Jun 15. From the article, I agree that kidnap, rape attempt drives mall to up safety. This is because, the attempted of rape and kidnap has arises in Selangor and Klang Valley.

In my opinion, all the shopping centre in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur should tighten security in the car parks in the wake of an attempted rape and kidnap especially at The Curve because this was happen at that mall. After this incident goes viral on the internet, a lot of people know about this. Not all women get accompanied all the time. Sometime they need to do things alone. Other than that, all shopping center should tighten the security because if this is happening again, it will ruin their reputation.

I think they should hire more security guard to ensure the safety of the consumer. After that, they also can offer service they the women can actually ask for the security guard to accompany them to the car. Besides that, the mall also can put an emergency button at every car park. This emergency button is for the consumer to ask for help when anything happen. This a wakeup call for everybody to be more careful especially ladies. So, the mall should take the responsibility of the consumer. 


Online journalism is a process that has been in use for the past few years to report facts produced and distributed through the internet. It has been noticed that our new generation no longer buy the printed out newspapers except they want to keep it for reference purposes but the internet users sees it has a readily available and less costly network. But some of them preferred printed newspaper for some reason.
The internet makes news more interesting because of the interactivity and multimedia like videos, audios that are used. Furthermore, readers are actively involved in searching, chatting, reading, and clicking on links that web site offers. It can be as simple as providing a discussion question at the end of a story.  Writing for an interactive audience requires a different way of planning, reporting, organizing and writing stories.
The internet has challenged traditional news industries in several ways to say that there is the fear that it might lose its contents to websites. Online users are expecting current content from news sites and the deadlines are demanding. Most of the organizing now used their web sites to post breaking news or updates major stories.  News that has been reported on web sites must be updated next day for the print edition.
To write a good online news, they must draft a simple outline to plan elements if the story.  The story must me timeliness and does the story lend itself to background created as a timeline. Besides that, the data of story need to be full coverage. Other than that, we also can add related link that lead people to read other stories.  
The interactive nature of the web makes it nonlinear. Users may access information in any order they choose. However, printed and broadcast stories are written in linear order from beginning to end. It’s offering readers no choice except to stop reading. At this point, related link are needed for reader to go to other stories.
However, there is also online journalist who writes through blogs and don’t get any paid from that. Usually they have ethics problem such as libel. Stories that damage a person’s reputation can be libelous unless the story can be proven to be true. Libel is legal offense of publishing and broadcasting a story that damage a person’s reputation by holding him or her up to public ridicule, hatred or scorn. Material that is obscene, vulgar or profane can also offend readers. But it can be informative and sometimes the reporter risk offending to tell the truth but it is depend on context, nature of the audience and prominence of those involve.

Sunday 8 July 2012


            Credibility of online has been question by public lately whether the sources are credible or too much information. Some of the news has been manipulated and spun to fulfill certain agenda. According to Swope (1882), the first duty of a newspaper is to be accurate. If it follows that it is fair. But the online media is aimed to put the mainstream media to shame.
            Online media contain too much information that lead to overload. The information was not exactly telling the truth. It is all rooted back to the human behavior. There are standard of journalism are being ignored. One of the controversial issues is media bias, especially on political issues. However people keep on accepting the untruth as truth. In addition, most people neither have time to verify its accuracy nor go back to the same site because the browser may fail to find it again.
            The credibility on online journalism also affected because of the source of information. Somehow, the source of information also cannot be trusted. This is because; the information is taken from wrong people who have zero knowledge about certain issue. Some of them give information because of money. When the source of the information itself is not valuable, same goes to the information on online journalism. They are not being fair on giving information.
            The immediacy of online can affect the information because the write is human being and they makes mistake. According to Lynch (2009) online users want information right away after the incident happens – and that means deadlines around the clock. Some editors say that's simply what wire services have been doing for years. Others argue that the pressure to publish has never been greater – and with that comes new questions about accuracy, credibility and balance.         
            Other than that, the credibility of online journalism also becomes less credible when plagiarism takes place. With only by clicking the mouse, they can copy image and information and claim it that it is theirs. The culture of the online is based on openness and sharing and the culture of newsroom is despised copying of any kind. Besides that, linking, cookies (online tracking devices) and advertising relationships are among the most pressing ethical issues confronting online journalists. But they are far from the only situations raising new questions.
            Moreover, some news on online journalism is manipulated and in some cases people trying to break peoples down and put them in risk. This is directly shows that people nowadays don’t really care about others and people lose their humanity for a good story. This kind of story may affect the victim’s life and also the family. Some people lose their job because of this. This also shows that technology indirectly affects people life in negative way.
            As for the conclusion, it is true that online journalism is less credible compared to mainstream media. For those who prefer to get an information from online media should seek for more detail and prove before publish anything. This is where research is important. 

Monday 28 May 2012

Saya sokong. Anda?

Setelah debat PTPTN diadakan, ramai yang member pandangan masing-masing. Ada juga yang berpendapat bahawa debat seperti ini tidak perlu diadakan. Jadi, wajarkah debat seperti ini dilakukan selepas ini. Perlukan isu-isu yang akan timbul perlu diketengahkan dengan cara berdebat kepada orang ramai.

Tambahan pula, perdebatan antara Khairy Jamaluddin dan Rafizi Ramli menyebabkan Astro dan Rafizi sendiri berdepan dengan saman. Hal ini kerana, Rafizi dikatakan datang untuk berceramah politik dan mengambil kesempatan diatas siaran langsung tersebut.

Saya berpendapat bahawa debat seperti ini harus diteruskan. Ini kerana, debat seperti boleh boleh memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang sesuatu isu. Selain itu, debat boleh membantu rakyat untuk mendapatkan informasi yang betul melalui saluran yang betul.

Pendebat juga boleh berinteraksi secara langsung dengan orang awam. Jadi, interaksi secara bersemuka akan lebih meyakinkan orang ramai tentang sesuatu perkara. Di samping itu, orang ramai juga boleh menilai kejujuran pendebat semasa berdebat. Daripada reaksi wajah mereka, kita boleh menilai kebenaran tentang apa yang disampaikan pendebat.

Walau bagaimanapun, orang ramai juga harus berfikiran terbuka semasa perdebatan diadakan. Seperti semasa debat PTPTN, orang ramai yang datang tidak berfikiran terbuka. Mereka datang dengan niat menyokong parti masing-masing. Ini boleh menyebabkan percanggahan pendapat lantas mengendahkan pendapat orang lain.

Jadi, saya sangat menyokong debat seperti ini tetapi orang ramai perlu berfikiran lebih terbuka dan sedia menerima pendapat orang lain. Anda bagaimana?

Thursday 24 May 2012

Pengharaman lagu Zizan & Kaka
Berikutan penyiaran lagu ‘Bawaku Pergi’ dendangan Zizan & Kaka diberhentikan apabila ada pihak tertentu menyatakan bahawa lagu tersebut mempunyai unsur-unsur negatif. Unsure negatif yang dimaksudkan adalah lagu ini menggalakkan remaja untuk lari dari rumah. Pengharaman lagu ini mengejutkan ramai peminat termasuk penulis lirik lagu tersebut, Malique.
Malique pernah mencipta sebuah lagu bertajuk ‘Pergi Jauh’ untuk isterinya yang berkisarkan mereka yang berangan-angan untuk pergi bercutidi Bali. Lagu Bawaku Pergi ini pula adalah sambungan lagu tersebut. Lagu ini sama sekali tidak bermaksud untuk menggalakkan remaja untuk lari dari rumah. Ini hanyalah luahan hati seorang isteri kepada suami. Lagu ini dicipta dari sudut seorang isteri.
Saya berpendapat bahawa lirik lagu ini tidak sepatutnya disalahtafsikan kerana lagu ini dicipta oleh composer yang berpengalam dan beliau tidak akan melakukan sesuatu yang boleh menjatukan reputasinya sebagai seorang komposer. Masyarakat perlulah memandang sesuatu perkara dengan terbuka. Jangan cepat membuat spekulasi tentang sesuatu perkara tanpa selidik.

Mereka yang menganggap lagu ini membawa kesan negatif kepada remaja mungkin tidak memandang isu ini dari sudut yang tepat. Mereka hanya mendengar tentang permasalahan ini lalu bersetuju dengan perkara tersebut tanpa unsur periksa.  Di sini saya sertakan statistik polis yang mendedahkan punca remaja melarikan diri dari rumah adalah lari mengikut teman lelaki, lari disebabkan masalah keluarga serta lari kerana mahukan kebebasan. Bagi remaja Melayu, factor utama yang menyebabkan mereka lari dari rumah disebabkan oleh rakan sebaya manakala remaja Cina berpunca dari masalah keluarga.

Jadi di sini saya tegaskan bahawa lagu ‘Bawaku Pergi’ tidak membawa kesan negatif kepada mana-mana pihak. Ini kerana masalah remaja lari dari rumah berpunca dari diri masing-masing serta keluarga yang bermasalah. Bertindak menyalahkan sebuat lagu untuk menutup kesilapan ibu bapa dalam mendidik anak-anak bukan perkara yang betul. Ibu bapa perlulah membimbing anak-anak mereka dengan cara yang betul.

Saya juga cadangkan supaya ditarik balik pengharaman lagu ‘Bawaku Pergi’ disamping memberikan hak seorng manusia yang ingin berkarya dan berkongsi perasaan melalui lagu ciptaannya.